Unlock Efficiency,
Embrace Automation

Transform Workflows with Seamless Integration and Simplified Access!

Say goodbye to the hassle of multiple logins and hello to streamlined operations. Explore how our cutting-edge technology can transform your organization, providing secure and swift access to critical systems and applications.

Get ready to embrace the power of automated workflows and take your business to new heights.

Benefits of Single Sign-on

By leveraging Single Sign-on in logistic workflows, organizations can optimize efficiency, productivity, security, user experience, and cost-effectiveness, ultimately achieving smoother and more effective logistics operations.

Ready to take the next step in single sing-on?

Mobile devices on operational work floors

Shared mobile devices are transforming workflows in many operational work floors, delivering access on the right moment to the right user, saving significant time for production. 

Access on the go,
securely and swiftly

To enable secure, effortless access to shared mobile devices and applications. We make it easy to support personalized experiences while enforcing stricter security with one-tap device access and SSO to applications.


years of time given back to customers by streamlining access management
0 M
hours of customer time saved with password-less authentication
$ 0 B
customer time savings, to-date


Ready to take the next step in single sing-on?

Over 40 Belgian companies rely on the good service of IS4U for their Single Sign-on. 

Take a first step in your journey with IS4U by filling out the form below and we will get back to you.